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Our Beliefs

We believe the Bible, in its entirety (Old and New Testaments), is God's specific revelation of Himself to mankind, and is preserved for us today without errors or contradictions.


We believe that God created the world in six literal twenty-four hour days.


We believe God created both man and woman on the Creation week’s sixth day, in His image; He created them with a free will, an attribute of personhood.


We believe the curse of sin fell on the entire human race when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Eden. All have sinned and have come short of God’s glory.


We believe God created only two sexes: male and female. We believe that the only prohibition God places on sexual activity is that it must be in the bounds of a heterosexual marriage. Nowhere in Scripture does God condone transgenderism.


We believe that Jesus Christ is the second person of the triune Godhead, co-equal and one with the Father and Holy Spirit in essence. He was born of a virgin, was, and is, fully God and fully human. He suffered and died for the sins of all mankind, was resurrected, and ascended at His Father’s right hand.  


We believe that an individual’s eternal salvation from sin and hell is not by any work he or she can do to earn God’s favor. It is only by His grace through the individual’s dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ, because of His finished work on the cross.


We believe that when someone receives Christ’s gift of eternal salvation, they can never lose it- their eternal destiny is secure in God’s omnipotent hand.


We reject the extremes of Calvinism and Arminianism.


We believe in the authority of the local church as God's institution to carry out the Great Commission. We believe that the two ordinances of the local church are believer’s baptism by immersion, and the Lord's Supper as a memorial. Neither ordinance causes the individual to earn favor with God.


We believe that speaking in tongues and the working of sign miracles gradually ceased as the New Testament Scriptures were completed.


​We believe in the imminent rapture of believers, and the personal, pre-millennial return of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in a literal heaven, where believers will enjoy being in God’s presence forever. We believe in a literal Lake of Fire, where unbelievers will suffer eternal punishment, away from God’s presence. ​


512 Tompkins Ave, Staten Island, NY 10305

Sunday Service Times 


    Morning Worship 11am

    Discipleship Hour 1:15pm

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® 2024, Liberty View Baptist Church, Inc.

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